Bills Mafia Shovel Snow Ahead of Chiefs Playoff Game


In a display of unwavering support and love for their team, the “Bills Mafia” showed up in large numbers on Friday evening to help shovel out Highmark Stadium and earn some money.

The call for snow shovelers was met with a big response, as a crowd of people lined up outside the stadium ahead of their 2 p.m. call time, with the line stretching past the entrance gate and into the parking lot by 2:20 p.m. As heavy snowfall continues to impact western New York, the Buffalo Bills have once again turned to their loyal fans for assistance.

In preparation for their playoff game against the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday, the team has put out a call for volunteers aged 18 and above to arrive at the stadium on Friday afternoon, ready to work throughout the evening.

The pay remains at $20 an hour, the same as during the wild-card game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, which was postponed from Sunday to Monday due to a heavy snowstorm in the region. The Bills had also requested for fans to help shovel out the stadium before and during the game.
